Totally Free Checking
Interest Checking
Senior Checking
Personal Money Market
Personal Savings
Minor Savings
- $100 minimum deposit to open account
- No Monthly Maintenance Fee
- No minimimum balance requirement
- Unlimited check writing
- Free Debit MasterCard (approval required)
- Free On-Line Banking and Bill Payment
- First order of checks - FREE
- Direct Deposit available
- $100 minimum deposit to open account
- Tiered interest rate structure. Interest is calculated and compounded
daily on the collected balance and credited to your account monthly.
Minimum daily collected balance of $500 required to earn interest.
- $9 monthly maintenance fee; maintenance fee can be avoided by having
at least one direct deposit made into your account each statement cycle
or maintaining a $1,000 minimum daily ledger balance or $2,500 monthly
average ledger balance. Maintenance fee can also be avoided by maintaining
a $7,500 monthly ledger balance in all other checking and/or savings
- Unlimited Check Writing
- Free Debit MasterCard (approval required)
- Free On-Line Banking and Bill Payment
- Direct Deposit available
- $50 minimum deposit to open account
- Tiered interest rate structure. Interest is calculated and compounded
daily on the collected balance and credited to your account monthly.
Minimum daily collected balance of $500 required to earn interest.
- $5 monthly maintenance fee; maintenance fee can be avoided by having
at least one direct deposit made into your account each statement cycle
or maintaining a $1,000 minimum daily ledger balance or $1,500 monthly
average ledger balance.
- Unlimited Check Writing
- Free Debit MasterCard (approval required)
- Free On-Line Banking and Bill Payment
- Discount on Safe Deposit Box with automatic deduction from checking
- No Fee American Express Travelers Cheques
- Free Official Check, limit three (3) per month
- Direct Deposit available
- $100 minimum deposit to open account
- Tiered interest rate structure. Interest is calculated and compounded
daily on the collected balance and credited to your account monthly.
Minimum daily collected balance of $500.00 required to earn interest.
- $9 monthly maintenance fee; maintenance fee can be avoided by having
at least one direct deposit made into your account each statement cycle
or maintaining a $1,000 minimum daily ledger balance or a $2,500 monthly
average ledger balance.
- Transaction limitations apply
- Free On-Line Banking
- Direct Deposit available
- $100 minimum deposit to open account
- Interest is calculated and compounded daily on the collected balance
and credited to your account monthly. No minimum balance required
to earn interest.
- $2 monthly maintenance fee; maintenance fee can be avoided by maintaining
a $300 minimum daily ledger balance or $1,000 monthly average ledger
- Transaction limitations apply
- Statements sent at least quarterly
- $25 minimum deposit to open account
- Interest is calculated and compounded daily on the collected balance
and credited to your account monthly. No minimum balance required
to earn interest.
- No Monthly Maintenance Fee
- Transaction limitations apply
- Statement sent at least quarterly